2014 The Art Of Watercolour’s First World Watercolour Competition
On Duty – 2014 The Art Of Watercolour’s First World Watercolour Competition Happy to know that my painting ‘On Duty’ has passed the 2nd Selection Stage.
The 6th Annual Signature American Watermedia Exhibition
Happy to announce that my painting ‘Accumulate # 63’ has been accepted in the ‘6th Annual Signature American Watermedia Exhibition’. Many thanks to the judge Mr. Stephen Quiller for selected my work. Honoured to be participating in such a good show with some of the greatest painters in the world.
The 7th Continental Watercolor Art Hwa-yang Award 2014-2015
Pleased to announce that my work "Accumulate #59" was accepted for 'The 7th Continental Watercolor Art Hwa-yang Award2014- 2015. It’s my 1st acceptance in this show, especially happy and graceful! Honoured to be participating in a show with some of the best painters in the world. My sincere thanks to the jury for selecting my work.
Watermedia Exhibition in Myro Gallery, Greece
I would like to thank the selection committee, Andy Wood, Catherine de Ryek and George Politis who had given me the opportunity to display my artworks, "Accumulate 52" & "Accumulate 53" at the Watermedia Exhibition in Myro Gallery, Greece.
World Watermedia Exposition, Thailand
I am invited to display my artworks, "Accumulate 1" & "Accumulate 2" in the World Watermedia Exposition, Thailand that will be held at Ratchadamnoen Contemporary Art Center (RCAC), Bangkok. (June 11th 2014 to July 20th 2014)
Bentara Buday Bali
I am invited by the Indonesian Watercolor Society to display this artwork, "Accumulate 19" at Bentara Buday Bali from Oct 24th 2014 to Nov 2nd 2014
46th Watercolor West International Juried Exhibition
Pleased to announce that this artwork, "Accumulate 34" has been selected to enter the 46th Watercolor West International Juried Exhibition located at the City of Brea Art Gallery. (Oct 11th 2014 to Dec 14th 2014) I would like to thank juror Judy Morris, AWS.NWS.TWSA.
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society 35th Anniversary International Juried Exhibition
Pleased to announce that this artwork, "Accumulate 4" has been selected by Pennsylvania Watercolor Society to be exhibited in the 35th Anniversary International Juried Exhibition located at the State Museum of Pennsylvania. (Nov 8th 2014 to Feb 8th 2015) I would like to thank juror of selection Sterling Edwards for this opportunity.
(SWA) Society of Watercolor Artists – International Watermedia Annual Juried Exhibition 2014
Pleased to announce that my work "Accumulate 3" was accepted into the (SWA) Society of Watercolor Artists- International Watermedia Annual Juried Exhibition 2014. It’s my 1st acceptance in this show, especially happy and graceful! Honoured to be participating in a show with some of the best painters in the world. My sincere thanks to the juror Mr Steve Rogers, NWS, AWS, TWSA for selecting my work.